RAT Zodiac Sign
The Chinese Zodiac and Astrological Sign
People born in the Year of the Rat would grow better if they lived near the water (for example, by the river). It is the best place to improve, and doing business should not be too far away from the water. If there is no way for them to live or work near the water, they should put a small aquarium or water tank in the house. Unfortunately, People born in the year of the Rat usually fail because of their reckless words. They are so fearlessly outspoken and direct with whatever crosses their minds. If he is not outspoken, he is likely to love twittering. He may lose something because of their twittering habits, and their manner of speaking will cause and affect people around him. People born in the year of the Rat are usually impatient or conceited. So before saying or doing something, please be patient, think more, or see more “water,” and then you will cool down.

Amulets for Chinese Zodiac - Year of Rat
People born under the sign of Rat on Sunday:
It is recommended to wear an amulet made of metal material; a charm made out of a clay mixture of holy powder may not be so good; however, if the clay mixtures amulet is inserted with Scrolls, Takrut may be acceptable.

People born under the sign of Rat on Monday:
It is recommended to wear Phra Kaew - Emerald Buddha or Phra Buddha Sothorn, for the lady wearing Phra Buddha Chinnaraj, is most preferable.

People born under the sign of Rat on Tuesday:
It is recommended to wear any famous Holy Monk’s amulet made originally by the well-known great spiritual master.

People born under the sign of Rat on Wednesday:
It is recommended to wear an amulet made of metal or any great Holy Monk’s charm originally made of metal.

People born under the sign of Rat on Thursday:
It is recommended to wear an amulet of Phra Pidta, which has sutra/mantras written on it, and it’s the most preferable for ladies to wear.

People born under the sign of Rat on Friday:
It is recommended to wear Buddha or Holy Monk amulet images with a Meditation posture. An amulet made with clay mixture powder will be preferable, or a charm attached with a piece of monk robe (Kasa) on it will be preferable.

People born under the sign of Rat on Saturday:
It is suitable to wear an amulet of Phra Khun Paen; for ladies born on this day, it is most recommended to wear a charm of Phra Nang Phaya - Queen of Thai Amulets made out of mixtures of holy powder.