The Life of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha In Picture
Since its origins in India for more than two thousand five hundred years ago. Buddhism has not only spread throughout Asia, but also around the world.

1. The Buddha: Our Teacher
The Buddha was born in the Terai lowlands near the Himalayas' foothills, just inside modern-day Nepal's borders. His people were known as the Sakyas, so the Buddha is sometimes referred to as Sakyamuni or 'the sage of the Sakyas.' The Buddha's name was Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. We call him the Buddha, "The Enlightened One." The Buddha has realized the real nature of life and the universal truth. He guides us to peace and happiness. His words and actions are good examples to follow.
2. Birth of A Prince
More than 2500 years ago in Northern India, there was a King called Suddhodana, and he had a Queen called Maya. One beautiful afternoon on the full-moon day of the fifth month, while Maya was sleeping, she dreamed a white elephant carrying a white lotus in its trunk entered her side. The dream was interpreted to mean that she would bear a son who would be a great emperor. Sometime later, a baby boy was taken to Maya. Just seven days after the birth, Maya died, and the prince was raised by his mother's sister, Prajapati, who became King Suddhodana's second wife.
3. Childhood Experience
The Prince was kind and thoughtful. One day, the Prince saw a farmer in worn-out clothes plowing the field and whipping an ox. He came to understand the difficult life of living beings. He also saw a bird pecking at an earthworm and an eagle swooping down on the bird. He realized that living beings kill one another, and only the strongest can survive. On another occasion, while in the woods, he rescued a swan wounded by his cousin. He understands that all beings wish to live and have the right to live. We should realize this truth and avoid killing.

4. The Youth Prince's
In the palace, the prince received a comprehensive education. Being intelligent and eager to learn, the Prince became very good at studies and military skills. When he was of age, the Prince married a lovely, beautiful, and gracious wife. King Suddhodana wished the Prince would one day come to the throne and become a hardworking and loving King.
5. The Four Sights
One day, while on an excursion beyond the palace walls, the Prince met with an older man, a sick man, and a dead man and saw into their sufferings. He then came to understand that life is suffering and that all beings are subject to birth, old, sick, and dying. On another occasion, he came across an ascetic who looked calm and composed. The sight of the ascetic suggested to him that renunciation might be a way to end suffering.
6. Renunciation
From then on, the Prince had a new outlook on life. He thought that one should not waste time and energy on sensual pleasures but should strive to work for the welfare of all beings instead.
Around 29, the Prince gave up the luxurious palace life and departed from his wife and other loved ones. One night, the Prince rides on a white horse and searches for a solution to suffering.

7. The Search for The Truth
After renunciation, the Prince went from place to place and learned from many well-known teachers in his search for the Truth. However, he failed to find the Truth. He then began practicing self-torture, his body became frail, yet his mind still could not find peace. Now, he understood that going to extremes is not the correct way of life, as it cannot solve the problem of suffering. Only the Middle Path is the right way of life. Then, after accepting an offering of milk rice from a village girl. He then regained strength and started meditating under a Bodhi tree.

10. Turning the Wheel of The Dharma
The Buddha taught the first five monks the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths are the truths of suffering, its cause, its end, and the path to the end. They are the fundamental teachings of Buddhism.
The Buddha pointed out that life is suffering caused by ignorance and desire. To end suffering, one has to follow the Buddha's path, which is the Noble Eightfold Path.

8. Overcoming the Evil One
When the Prince meditated, various temptations appeared, seducing him to give up his struggle for the Truth, but he remained unmoved. He then directed his incomparable power of concentration to attain the Truth. At last, he understood the cause of suffering and found a way to remove it. In short, he had gained supreme wisdom. All this happened at daybreak on the full-moon day of the fifth month in the year 588 B.C. The Prince attained enlightenment at the age of thirty-five. From then on, his life was spent giving religious teachings, and later on, he was called the Buddha.

11. The Path to Happiness
The Noble Eightfold Path means: Right Understanding (understanding the law of cause and effect); Right Thought (pure and kind thoughts); Right Speech (truthful and gentle speech); Right Action (good and law-abiding conduct); Right Livelihood (proper and purposeful occupation); Right Effort (striving to improve and progress); Right Mindfulness (mindful of thought and behavior); Right Meditation (practicing meditation to gain wisdom). If we can follow these guidelines in life, each of us will have a bright and happy future.

9. After Attaining the Truth
After attaining the Truth, the Buddha decided to spread it. He spent time in teachings (Dharma) using different methods to suit the different inclinations of his listeners so that they might be freed from suffering.
The Buddha first spoke his teachings to his five former companions. Their conversion marked the beginning of the Sangha. They soon became his disciples and became known as the First Five Monks.

12. Spreading the Dharma
The Buddha went from place to place to teach, gathering four types of followers (monks, nuns, and male & female lay followers). The Buddha once used a smile to advise his followers. He said, "We must guard against the three fires of greed, hatred, and ignorance, as they keep burning in our minds causing suffering.
To put out the fire of desire, one must avoid the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-torture; to put out the fire of hatred, one must practice compassion; to put out the fire of ignorance, one must understand the Four Noble Truths and practice the Noble Eightfold Path.

13. Compassion and Equality
The Buddha emphasized this in his teaching. He told us to be concerned for each other and help each other. On one occasion, he helped clean the sores of a sick man deserted by his companions.
Buddhists hold that there is no distinction between class, race, or that man and animals. Buddhism upholds the equality of all beings, so it does not approve killing.
The Buddha laid stress on self-reliance. He said everyone has a Buddha nature and can become a Buddha, provided he practices diligently.

14. Karma and Rebirth
The Buddha said that everyone is responsible for his actions. Whatever one does is his karma. Good karma brings good deeds, and bad karma brings about evil.
The Buddha also said one could be reborn in the six realms. The six realms are the heavenly realms, the Demigod realms, the human realm, the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm, and the hell realm. The karma of one's past determines which of the six realms he will be reborn in.
The Buddha showed us the Nobel Eightfold Path, by practicing which we can be freed from the cycle of birth and death and attain the supreme happiness of Nirvana, which is the ultimate goal of the Noble Eightfold Path.

15. The Passing Away of The Buddha
For the sake of freeing beings from suffering and helping them to gain happiness, the Buddha went from place to place to teach until he was eighty. On one full moon day, he passed away. However, it is often said that Buddha died from food poisoning after eating a meal donated by a lay follower. Buddha died in a small town called Kusinara, lying on his right side between two Sal trees.
Before passing away, the Buddha gathered around him with many of his disciples and told them. "All things are subject to change, strive on with diligence."

16. The Threefold Refuge
Although the Buddha had already left us, His teachings remain after many generations for the benefit of countless beings.
We must take refuge in the Triple Gem, going to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha as a refuge.
We must observe the five precepts:
1. No Killing;
2. No Stealing;
3. No Sexual Misconduct;
4. No Lying;
5. No Drinking of Alcohol.
We must remember the advice of the Buddha, That is,
Do No Evil, Do Good, Purify the Mind.