This amulet of Kuman Thong was released by a Sorcery master at Bang Ban, in Ayutthaya Province, by hand-carved from the sacred wood. This sacred hand-carved effigy is made from the wood of a holy magical Ta-khian tree. Ta-khian trees are considered sacred and are rarely felled. The mighty spirit is believed to inhabit these trees, and the spirit will be furious and curse whoever uses the wood. It is one of the most potent magical woods to make spirit-inhabited effigies. It is considered a primarily benevolent spirit but can be morally good or evil, and the spirit will be furious and curse whoever uses the wood.
The only holy person to cut down a Ta-khian tree is a monk, and they must hold a ceremony requesting the spirit tree's permission. The Thai people believed this type of wood possessed the most potent magical force and was inhabited by the spirit. This image was one of a handful of sacred hand-carved wooden effigies made and released with a blessing ceremony. Its exclusivity goes without question because only a few of these images were made, but also because each image is entirely different and unique because of the hand-carved and personal skills used in making it.
Kuman Thong is created through the knowledge, the power of the master himself. The characteristics of any Kuman Thong will depend entirely on the master's technique to make it. People offer Kuman Thong to help them achieve career and business success, bring luck, wealth, and fortune, help with relationships, bring love and respect from people, protect their home and precious belongings, and protect their loved ones and family. Kuman Thong helps protect the owner from danger, misfortune, evil spirits, and ghosts. It is said that if one wears, Kuman Thong – Kuman Thong will follow his owner and be at his side wherever they go.
As in many legends, be it Kuman Thong or Ghost Child, widely called, the relationship between them and their owner is inseparable. This is the most fundamental principle, so the owners must do good for their Kuman Thong and their own. For those who worship or wear Kuman Thong, their life is always blessed by their spirits. Kuman Thong is the soul of a fetus, baby, or child who died before their right time; a wandering spirit that the monk invited by ritual to achieve the state of Buddha-hood and chanted with sacred mantras to ask the spirits to reside in the statues or amulets and bless the wearer from all bad things happening.
Kuman Thong was created to help people conduct their karma. They share the good karma whenever their owner works, and so does the bad karma, which is why Kuman Thong is so famous. One should pray appropriately with full faith so your prayers will be answered. The only difference lies in whether the holy item is genuine or fake. The ability to detect the power of the spirit people with six senses will be able to sense it when they touch the amulet.